Qanon Red_October

SubGenius !!! Ok So lets start with the Watch The Water post !!! [the marker] ^^^^^ KINDA LOOKS LIKE A Q ??? ^^^^^ A "squawk7700" was declared, meaning the pilot flagged up an “urgency” or “distress” situation. All air traffic control stations in the area are alerted if an aircraft resets its transponder to the emergency squawk7700 code. Aircraft with 7700 set on their transponder send detailed location information but do not reveal the cause of the emergency. “Reporting an inflight emergency, or ‘squawking 7700’ is the aircrew's way of telling air traffic control agencies that something out of the ordinary has occurred,” the RAF Lakenheath spokesman said. DONT FORGET TO REMEMBER "NEWS UNLOCKS MAP" So what could this US F15 possibly trying to tell us: " something out of the ordinary has occurred " ...