Qanon Red_October
SubGenius !!!
Ok So lets start with the Watch The Water post !!! [the marker]

^^^^^ KINDA LOOKS LIKE A Q ??? ^^^^^
A "squawk7700" was declared, meaning the pilot flagged up an “urgency” or “distress” situation.
All air traffic control stations in the area are alerted if an aircraft resets its transponder to the emergency squawk7700 code.
Aircraft with 7700 set on their transponder send detailed location information but do not reveal the cause of the emergency.
“Reporting an inflight emergency, or ‘squawking 7700’ is the aircrew's way of telling air traffic control agencies that something out of the ordinary has occurred,” the RAF Lakenheath spokesman said.
So what could this US F15 possibly trying to tell us:
" something out of the ordinary has occurred " " urgency " " distress "
" detailed location information but do not reveal the cause of the emergency "
The questions we asked were :-
What could be hiding in the water ?
Is this coincidence ?
What else might be here ?
The first post "we" saw regarding Red_October was this on the
11th Feb 2018 :-
Further investigation into the Q posts show the earliest mention of Red_October here on the 20th November 2017 :-
What Occurred Sept 7th 1776 ?

On this day, September 7, 1777, Bushnell’s Turtle was put to the test in New York Harbor where it was supposed to attach a mine to the hull of the HMS Eagle, the flagship of British Admiral Richard Howe. Ezra Lee piloted the Turtle. He was in the processing of trying to bore into the hull so as to attach a time bomb, but his boring bit could not penetrate a layer of iron sheathing in the hull. He ended up having to back away from the Eagle, allowing the bomb to explode between the Turtle and the Eagle, but neither vessel received any damage.
This was the first recorded time that a submarine had been used during a time of war in an attempt to sink an enemy vessel, although the attempt failed.
we also have this mention of 1776 from Dr Gorka
and here a mention of 1776 & Red October on the
18th April 2018
below is a link to more about Sebastian Gorka if you don't already know of him .
So we feel that there is more than enough COINCIDENCE to make it NOT !!!
Fair to say, "this makes sense" ? are we looking at a submarine been highlighted by the US F15 ?
What other evidence do we have ? Here are a couple of other images that showed up
(Bus OR suB)
Got to be my favorite Q post this one !!! So
"left is right" (Bus or suB)
"up is down" (
or Rouge Boomer to be precise.
Did we forget future proves past ? or is it (past proves future) ? December 2017
"Show the world our power" is a bold statement, unless of course this is showing the firing of a missile 2 months before it actually occurs !!!
There seems to be some markers here too lets look at those FOX THREE sends us to the
18th DEC 2017
We also see SPLASH here again and some references to future and past , Particularly "Future unlocks past"
Are we starting to paint a picture ?
We didn't cover the news unlocking the map or reading between the lines needless to say we expected some sort of attack to rock Birmingham UK on the 17th of Feb 2018
We hadn't figured out it was a SUB at this point !!!
or maybe we had but didn't realise it .
Note the time of the [P] post above 13:16 and the "EARTHQUAKE " @ 14:31GMT
here`s the links to articles re: Earthquake
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